Welcome to online dating made easy! This guide contains the essential information you need to know in order to navigate the ever-confusing online dating landscape. Whether you are new or experienced in online dating, there will be tips and advice within in this ebook you can use. Read and use this information and you'll be connecting with that special someone sooner than you ever thought possible!
Let's begin...
Finding Love Online
Is it possible to find a soul mate online through a dating service? You bet it is and with the right information, you will enjoy the entire process while staying safe. If you are ready to look for love online, you are certainly not alone. Currently, millions of singles from all over the world are using the power of the internet to meet other people and hopefully, build lifelong romantic connections.
The online dating services of today have changed dramatically over the years where now, you will find a service for every situation imaginable. For example, online dating sites of today feature romantic opportunities for people of all ages, financial status, religion, ethnic groups, and geographic locations.
The problem that most singles deal with is not having access to other singles. After all, you can only visit so many bars, restaurants, and coffee houses in hopes of meeting that someone special. For this reason, online dating is a phenomenal solution that provides access to people all across the globe easily, efficiently, conveniently, and affordably!
The technology of today allows you all kinds of options to ensure your dating
experience is fun and successful. If you are ready to step up and give online dating a chance, the following tips will help you get started: ...
Location - If you are not in a position of moving, you want most of the online dating services to provide you access to people in your area. While some people can move to a new geographical area, most cannot or will not. Keep in mind that most of the major online dating services feature the option of searching for people where you live while still providing the opportunity for other people in different cities, states, or countries to view your profile, and vice versa.
First Impressions - If you were going out to a bar or restaurant in anticipation of
meeting someone, you would dress nice, have your hair just right, and smell great, all as a way of making a first impression. Although you would not make these same
preparations for online dating, you do need to make a positive impression. Start with your profile. Be honest, witty, and always check your spelling and grammar. Make sure your profile does not ramble on about "stuff" but provides the right type of information to intrigue. The same is true for e-mail communication. Keep the conversation light and fun, providing just enough of the right information to want the person to come back for more.
Photographs - Make sure you post photographs with your profile and choose several that show your fun side. The key is to make the person on the other side of the computer smile!
Flirt - Can you flirt online? Absolutely you can. In fact, many online dating services provide you with special tools specifically for flirting. You can wink at someone, blow kisses, and send special messages.
Options - Keep your options open. For instance, you may receive an e-mail from
someone that does not capture your attention right away. However, before you discount that individual, take a minute to read the profile. After all, if it is not a love connection, this person might make an excellent friend.
Choosing the Right Dating Service.
With hundreds of online dating services, narrowing the choice down can be a difficult task. The important thing is to always read the Privacy Policy, About Us page, and the FAQ page. Each of these will give you a good look into the philosophy of that service, helping make the decision easier.
The information provided below is reputable and the sites have worked hard to make each member’s experience a positive one. Although there are hundreds of other options, these are considered the top choices, being great sites for bringing people together, whether as new friends, or in a romantic aspect.
We Recommend:
● Space4Love– New dating site with many options
If you find that you are not getting very many responses to your profile, look at other people of your gender and age to see what they are writing about so you can change your profile to be more appealing. Be sure to include your photos and provide
interesting information about yourself without giving out personal information that would compromise your safety. Before you know it, you will be talking to new people and maybe making your own love connection.
Flirting Online
You might be asking yourself, "How in the world do you flirt online?" With the online dating services today, you will find a number of ways to flirt. For starters, many of the larger dating services are designed with built-in tools that do all the flirting for you. These would include sending someone a wink, a special message, or blowing someone a kiss.
In addition to using the site design, many online daters have mastered the art of flirting by using certain codes, as you will see from the table below. In addition to saving you time, you can use these codes to add a little flirtation into the conversation.
Code Meaning
CUL8R See you later
F2F Face to Face
GMTA Great minds think alike
HLOL Hysterically laughing out loud
HTH Hope this helps
ISO In search of
J/K Just kidding
LOL Laughing out loud
NRN No reply necessary
You can even buy books that are filled with flirting shortcuts for online dating. Other ways to keep the interest and flirtation going would include the following:
● Try to respond to your e-mails as quickly as you can. This shows the person
sending the message that you have interest and will make him or her feel good about corresponding with you.
● Start out by asking innocent questions. For example, when you first start
communication with someone, you could ask, "Did you do anything special this
week?" or "Do you have any great plans for the weekend?" This will help you
learn more about the person without seeming nosey. After you have been
communicating with someone special for a while, you can use innocent questions
to see if you can find an opening in time when the two of you might meet.
● Another way to flirt is by hinting at something interesting without actually giving away too much information. Perhaps you could say something like, "After this last weekend, I had to buy a new pair of shoes." Your comment leaves much to the imagination, drawing the person into the conversation and interested in learning what you did over the weekend that required the new shoes.
● Remind yourself that just a little will go a long way. Although a good joke or pun is fun, too much of a good thing will ruin it all. Therefore, keep your messages nice and short but interesting. If a day goes by and you have not heard from that person, rather than inundate the individual’s mailbox with messages, leave one short, sweet message that provides a small hint to prompt him or her to reply.
● Finally, when you log out for the day, leave a slightly suggestive sign off. For example, most people usually write something such as, "Talk to you later" or "Have a good night." Why not take it one-step further and sign off with "It was nice talking to you" or "Wish I was saying good night in person."
Top Dating Tips for Men and Women
Are you thinking about joining an online dating service and looking for tips to make the experience successful? If so, we are here to provide you with information that will help you meet more people than the average member. Online dating services are fun and exciting, and consist of all types of people from around the world, all vying for friendship and love.
If you are a man, the following tips will give you an advantage over other members:
● Do not allow yourself to become discouraged. Considering that women receive from 50 to 200 responses on average, she simply does not have the time to respond to all and if she does, it will take time for you to hear back to your
inquiry. Therefore, be patient with the process.
● Take a proactive approach with online dating. Rather than focus in on one
woman, send messages to several women to help increase your chances of
getting a response. While you want to keep your eyes on women that match your interest the best, be careful not to be overly selective.
● Try to create a unique profile and when you send messages, make them stand out from the other hundreds the woman will receive. Start with a catchy title and then in the content of the message, talk about something you read in her profile. This will show her that you did indeed read her profile and that you took the time to find and make a connection.
● Always be honest. If a woman asks you a question such as, "So, what do you do for a living?" You could answer that you were a doctor or lawyer when in fact, you are a maintenance worker but in time, the truth will come out. Therefore, answer honestly but make it interesting.
● Do not talk about sex or things that are too personal. This kind of conversation should be left to people that have know each other for some time and are an actual couple. Sex should never be a part of casual conversation, especially when you first meet.
Online Dating Safety
Just because you are not sitting across from someone in a bar or restaurant where you must have your guard up, you should not let your guard down with online dating. In fact, because you cannot monitor a person’s reactions or looking into the eyes (the window to the soul), you should take extra care regarding safety when considering online dating.
For the most part, online dating offers wonderful opportunities to meet someone special and since you are communicating from the comfort of your own home, there is a level of security. However, because of this laidback approach, too often people will start telling the stranger on the other end of the computer all types of things that could be turned around and used to cause harm. Therefore, while you want to share information to get to know someone, some things should not be shared, at least initially.
● If the online dating service has a chat room, you should be very careful about the information you share. Far too often, predators will lurk, portraying themselves as other singles trying to make a connection. While you want to have a good time chatting just be careful about the information talked about.
● Never provide any type of personally identifiable information in your profile, e-mail messages, or chat room conversations. This information would include your name, address, city where you live, phone number, name of the company where you work, organizations that you are associated with, and so on.
● Be sure you use the communication tools provided by the dating service. For instance, you want a dating service that has e-mail so you do not have to use your
own personal e-mail to keep in touch with someone. In fact, many online dating
services now offer IM so that too should be used rather than your personal IM
● If you choose to communicate with someone using e-mail outside of the service, at least create a special anonymous account. Some of the better choices include Yahoo and Hotmail, which are free.
● Do not let anyone pressure you into giving out information that you know you should keep to yourself. Remind yourself that you are in control and are not required to do anything you do not want to do.
● Start out slow and remember the old clichй, "If it seems too good to be true - it probably is." The key is to watch for inconsistencies or behavioral changes in someone. This would be a clue that something is not what it seems. Always trust your instincts and if someone or something makes you feel uncomfortable then
move on.
● When meeting someone online, be sure you use common sense and exercise
caution. Although most people will come across as being trustworthy, and most
probably are, you need to pay close attention to each conversation. Make sure
you do not fall in love prematurely, which can be easy to do with online dating.
● If the person you are communicating with does not have a photo posted, ask for not one, but two or three current photos. First, this will help validate that the person is the one in the photo and second, it will show you if he or she is trying to hide something. It is not that love should be based on looks alone, but it is important to see if there is a physical attraction. If you get one excuse after
another, this should raise a major red flag.
● Once you have met one or two people that interest you and have spent quite a bit of time chatting, set up a phone call, always using your cell phone. The call itself is important in that it shows you the level of communication and social skills, as well as manners and degree of intelligence. Additionally, by using your cell phone for the conversation, you are not giving out coveted private information that could be traced to find where you live.
● Finally, never do anything to make you feel uneasy about a situation. For
example, if you have decided to meet someone in person, always make sure a
friend goes with you but stays out of sight or that a friend or family member
knows the person’s name, phone number, where you are going, and what time you will be home. It is then your responsibility not to deviate from your plans and if you do, call your friend or family member advising them of the new plan.
Starting Over with Online Dating
Have you recently come out of a relationship that you thought would never end? If so, taking that step to get back into dating can be a little frightening, which is why online dating is such an incredible solution. Since you control just how fast things move and how much information is shared, you can get past the last failed relationship and start all over again.
The first thing is to realize that while broken relationships are sad and hurtful, you have the opportunity to take things learned from that relationship to make your next one even better. Rather than hide away in your bedroom, allowing life to pass you by, try online dating so you can start out slowly making friends and then perhaps meet someone special to take things past being friends.
Before you get started with any online dating service, you need to take a serious look at your past relationship to determine what went wrong. Sometimes, this is difficult but if you want to meet someone new, you need to see where the weaknesses were so they can be improved upon. Once you have identified the problem, you can correct it so you do not take it into a new relationship. Another important aspect of moving into online dating is that you need to let the past go. ..
Although it might be difficult at first, don't repeatedly go over what went wrong, or you will never have the chance to enjoy your newfound friends. Letting go is what will open the doors of opportunity for new connections. Again, as you start communicating with people through the online dating service, there is no rush, which is what makes this such an incredible option. You can be communicating with 10 different people if you like and if things start moving too quickly for you with one or more of them, you can ask them to slow down or simply cut the communication off. You are in total control so you find exactly the type of person you want and avoid the type of people you do not want.
Be careful when meeting new friends. Do not start off by telling them all about your last relationship. They too probably have failed relationships, which is why they are on the dating service to begin with. This is the opportunity to start over, leaving the past alone. Instead, start by asking questions about the person you are talking to and learn about the type of things they find important in life.
There is an old saying, "Expect the worst and hope for the best". With online dating and starting over after a rocky relationship, if you go into it with a mindset that you are not expecting a princess or prince but hope you will, then if a connection is made, you will be pleased. Above all, have fun! You need to relax and enjoy the experience. After all, chances are high that you will at least make new friends. Enjoy flirting and the newness of meeting people. With online dating, you can have a wonderful "dating" experience unlike anything you have ever encountered before. Now is the time to take charge of your life and stop letting the past control your future.
Good Luck!
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